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Monet painting and games at Meyer House Care Home

Painting class

Our Meyer House Care Home residents thoroughly enjoyed our art class last week when they had fun painting their own versions off Monet’s famous ‘Lilies‘.

A lot of thought and concentration went into their work and they were so pleased with the results.

These are going to be part of our exhibition wall and will be added to our other masterpieces – Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers‘ and Picasso’s ‘Bouquet of Peace‘.

Our budding artists have chosen the Mona Lisa for their next project, so watch this space!

Tin can alley

A few of our residents and staff also enjoyed a game of tin can alley last week and you can see how competitive everyone was by the look of determination on their faces, especially Alan!

Great fun!


Playing tin can alley at Meyer House Care Home




